Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Case Study Professional Development And Ethics On Socio-Cultural

Question: Describe about professional development and ethics on socio-cultural? Answer: A. Introduction In the context of socio-cultural competence the language and the culture both are closely related to one another and also have reflective influence on the both of verbal and the non-verbal communication. As for example, the consequence of the length of the pause or the changes which are dependent on and can vary by the cultural degree of the formality. The professional manager needs to develop the understanding on the basis of their own personal and the cultural values and also the values as the first step in valuing the importance of the multicultural identities of the lives of the people where they work and serve (Sharma, 2012). The professional manger and the staff needs to be knowledgeable and also needs to be skillful so that it can use and also give the provision of the information services (Redding, 2014). The professional manager give the influence, encourage and the support of the creation of the proactive processes which can increase the diversity of the skills, give the em powerment to the co-workers, colleagues from the diversity of the backgrounds so that it share the information about the diverse in the populations and also advocate for the concerns (Caligiuri Tarique, 2012) B. Discussion The research should be inclusive and also the respectful and the traditional knowledge reflect the values of the cultural process of knowing (Anon, 2012). The professional manager develops the cultural awareness on the basis of the understanding of the cultural and the personal beliefs and the values so that it can appreciate the importance of the multicultural identities of the so that it can improve the lives of the professional manger (Strandvad, 2012). The professional manger follows the some of the points to do the delivery of the services which are: Creation, implementation and the evaluation of the delivery of the systems and the services which are appropriate and targeted for the creation of the services. The professional manager employs some of the effective strategies so that it can confront the remarks, behaviors and the attitudes which devalue or demean the culture. The professional manger also develop some of the instructional practices,methods and the resources which are widely reflective and accessible on the basis of the cultural perspectives, development skills and the ability of the language. Review the emerging and the current demographic trends so that the professional manger can determine the service needs (Vallacher, 1978). The cultural competent manager needs to do some of the things: The professional manger on the cultural competence encourages and also seeks the qualities of the leadership from the variety of the cultural background so that it can support the retention and the development of the line of work. The professional manger needs to support all the staffs of the organization so that it can become culturally competent. The professional manger creates the opportunities of the communities of the cross culture and also the skill development of the staff. The professional manger also fosters the organizational culture and the workplace climate so that it can open the varieties in the leadership style. The professional manger needs to be inclusive and respectful and the traditional knowledge of the professional manager reflects the values of the cultural knowing of the reasoning. Through the cultural competencies the professional manger needs to: Through the cultural competencies it recognizes the biases, tendencies of the others. The professional manger of the organization ensures the research on the diversity of the issues, cultural competencies, promotion and the retention value of the related topics. Through the cultural competencies it ensures the issues of the diversity, cultural competency and the related topics which ensure the value of the retention and the tenure processes. In the cultural competencies of the professional manger it includes the scientific knowledge, agricultural knowledge and the technical knowledge which also includes the related remedies and the medicines. In the competencies of the cross cultural leadership of the professional manger influence, encourage and support the creation of the processes which are proactive and also increase the diversification and empower the co worker and the colleagues of the organization (Vito Aliaga Araujo Taylor, 2012). These competencies help the professional manger to do some of the topics which includes: Self direction Relationship and the professionalism Flexibility Visioning In the self direction characteristics of the employees is associated with the professionalism of the employees of the organization. The key work of the self direction is the time management which is the main basic things of the manger and also to help in achieving the goals. By being a proactive the professional manger controls the established goals. Relationship and the professionalism are the two main things which the professional manger always needs to have. To being professionalism the professional manager needs to hold the position and the title. Through this it also needs to have the competency to perform the job or task. Flexibility is also one of the main things which need to be present in the characteristics of the professional manager. Through the flexibility the professional manager needs to adapt any of the obstacles very easily so that the manger can easily adjust with the situation. Conclusion By concluding the above study it describes about the socio cultural competencies and also discuss about the socio cultural competencies helps the professional manger to develop them so that they can easily manage the professional career. This above strategy also helps the professional manger to attain the goals and also needs to meet the career challenges which helps the professional manger needs to achieve the career goals. The professional manger looks at the delivery of the services of the organization which are taken so that it can make the appropriate referrals of the diverse constituencies. The professional manger influence, encourage and the support the formation of the positive processes which can increase the skills of the diversity, co workers, colleagues and the constituents from the background of the diversification. Therefore, from all study, it can be concluded that social cultural can have great impact on the growth of the professional manager and it can play effective role for future growth. On the other hand, the cross cultural leadership can be useful for developing inner leadership quality skills so that can be effective in becoming a successful professional manager. Moreover, the study focused on some strategy and if followed in appropriate manner then professional manager can attain great heights in life. References anon,. (2012). Research-on-Research: Research-on-Research Reports. 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